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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New pages on device

Kreed has finally seemed to master phrases and understand what they mean. However, before his device was set up so I had to think of the phrase he might want to say. So we changed his device layout so he has more opportunities to say exactly what he means. I have started a YouTube page to upload his video's. Maybe it can be helpful to other people. I call it ABA on the fly. During this stage of his device learning, every moment is taken to try and teach him. However exhausting it may be!!! www.youtube.com/kreedsvideos.

Here is the cutie being...well cute with his new weighted blanket!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's the small things...

These days the boy is communicating more than ever. Here he is browsing his food options. Smiling when he sees what he wants. And then grinning when I say yes (spaghetti is the winner!!).

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Here it begins

Maybe sometime I will go through the kids whole history. But right now I thought I would just dive right in. He's 15 years old- non verbal and 125 pounds of solid muscle. Some days are great. Some days are ok. Most days are crazy. My intention is to show reality- no warm fuzzies or butterfly kisses- but the real day to day living with a child on the autism spectrum. He is not one of those miracle cases where he suddenly starts to type and the world is his oyster. Although we believe he is very much all there cognitively, communication is a bitch for him and there are many meltdowns as we teach him to communicate with his Dynavox Maestro.

I will probably post a lot of videos- hence the real aspect and talk about What I think about autism and life and what it's like living day to day with a completely non verbal child who knows what he wants to say and can't. It's one hell of a ride but he is also an amazing boy and has taut me a lot about life and living and I hope he can teach others as well.